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I wrote a post over 2 years ago, 20 Easy Ways to Be Kind Today. I wanted to share things that can easily be completed without much preparation or thought. I would love to see these types of activities become commonplace, everyday activities for everyone! What a great world this would be if we experienced and shared these acts of kindness on a daily basis! Increasing our own happiness as well as those around us. Sharing a bit of positivity in a world that wants to broadcast the negative and hateful.

I stopped watching the news on TV years ago, being an HSP (highly sensitive person) I just couldn’t (and can’t) take it without it leaving me feeling sad and despondent. In the US, we are in a very tumultuous time. The past year has been a very trying year, to say the least, for everyone around the world.

It is very timely and appropriate that I should share another post with more suggestions on easily implemented ways to be kind!! I hope you find a few new ideas or are reminded of (and encouraged to do) some things that you already do to spread love and positivity. Let’s get to the list!

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  1. Send a text message to a friend or family member. Perhaps just to check-in and see how they are doing or give a word of encouragement.

cell phone

2. Make a handmade card for a loved one. Supplies don’t need to be fancy. It’s the thought that counts! You may already have some stickers/markers around the house!

3. Take a neighbor homemade cookies. Making a batch of cookies? Put a half dozen on a plate and deliver to the person in your neighborhood living alone.

chocolate chip cookies on a white plate

4. Offer to shovel the sidewalk for an elderly neighbor. (This applies here in Colorado!!)

5. Make Soup in a Jar for a friend that needs a quick dinner idea! Here’s a great recipe: Friendship Soup in a Jar – A Christmas Gift in a Mason Jar (

6. Offer to watch a friend’s cat/dog/hamster/fish when they are gone for an overnight/weekend.

7. Take a bouquet of flowers or a plant to a nursing home to brighten up the surroundings.

8. Leave Kindness Rocks with uplifting messages around your community.                   

9. Challenge yourself to say “Hello” to 5 strangers the next time you go to the grocery store.

10. Wear a mask to protect yourself and others from the Coronavirus. Shop at and support a small business.

11. Compliment the person working at a drive-through establishment for their great attitude!

12. Wave to police officers/crossing guards when you pass by.

13. Say “Thank you” to loved ones for tasks done around the house.

14. Take your shopping cart back into the store or to the cart round-up area.

15. Take your used books/magazines to homeless shelters or assisted living centers.

16. Give care packages to homeless people. (tissues, a bottle of water, razor, toothbrush/paste, chapstick) Make your own or purchase pre-made kits.

17. Donate dog food/treats/blankets to your local animal shelter.

18.  Practice reduce, recycle, and reuse principles. Here’s a great article, Is it time to ReThink, “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle?”

19. Take a few minutes to comment/share/like another blogger’s post that you enjoyed.

20. Go to a doctor’s visit with someone that could use the support.

This is just a snippet of random acts of kindness ideas. I desire to stimulate some thinking and action around the idea of being the light and spreading a bit of love and kindness. Together we can make our world a gentler, more loving, kind place.

It’s important to be mindful in our daily actions and interactions with others. This plays a part in the well being of ourselves and others.  A fellow blogger, Briana Baker, delves into this in her post, Please Rewind, Be Kind.

I hope some of these random acts of kindness ideas have motivated you to spread more kindness! What act of kindness would you add to the list? Or which of the above resonates with you? Please leave a comment below!