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These are anxious times for everyone. As one who experiences anxiety on a regular basis, I know how necessary it is to have several tools in the toolkit to provide anxiety relief. The Bhramari pranayama, or “Bee Breath” is one of my tools.  If you are looking for natural remedies for anxiety, this can help you!

Pranayama is an integral part of yoga. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali refers to the 8 limbs of yoga. An eight-fold path which offers guidelines for living a meaningful, purposeful life. Pranayama is the fourth limb of yoga.

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Pranayama practices manipulate the breath in various ways to achieve different results. The primary purpose of working with the breath is to affect the mind.

Bhramari is the Sanskrit word for “bee.” This pranayama is named for the humming sound made by bees.

The Bhramari pranayama can instantly calm the anxious mind after just a few breaths. It is easy to learn and to incorporate on an as needed basis to quickly provide anxiety relief. It is also beneficial to practice daily to encourage relaxation and quiet the mind. I find it helpful to practice 4-6 rounds prior to doing a seated meditation to reduce the chatter in the mind.

bee hovering over white flower

How to Practice Bhramari Pranayama or Bee Breath

  1. Sit comfortably, close the eyes if possible. Take 1-2 breaths to settle in and take notice of your state of mind. If it is comfortable for you, sit in Vajrasana Pose. Another option is to sit on a zafu/meditation cushion.
  2. Take an inhale breath in through the nose.
  3. For the entire length of the exhale breath, make a low-medium pitched humming sound with the mouth closed. Lips touching softly, jaw relaxed, space between upper and lower teeth.
  4. Bring your awareness to the vibration in your sinuses, teeth, tongue, and lips.
  5. Continue to practice for several rounds.
  6. Always balance effort and ease. Keep the inhales and exhales smooth and without tension.
  7. Upon completion of the Bee Breath, sit and breathe normally, notice if anything has changed.

Benefits of Bhramari Pranayama

  • anxiety relief
  • stress relief
  • calms and quiets the mind
  • lowers blood pressure
  • improves concentration and memory
  • can help relieve a mild headache
  • dissipates anger
  • induces sound sleep

The Bee Breath is a simple breathing technique that can be used by young and old alike. It is a useful tool for dealing with anxiety and stress. Easy to perform and works after just a few rounds. Try this basic variation of the Bee Breath and see how it works for you! I am always looking for natural remedies for anxiety. See my previous post on Pranayama for Anxiety for more information on this topic.

I personally have used the Bee Breath while driving in my car to activities/encounters that are anxiety producing for me. I have found that using the Bee Breath gives me some anxiety relief!

If you are interested in delving deeply into pranayama, this is one of the first books I bought on the topic, Light on Pranayama by BKS Iyengar.

If you need professional help with your anxiety, consider Talkspace. You can improve your mental health in the most convenient and affordable way with online therapy.

 The help you need, from the comfort of your device! Talkspace’s therapy help is available to you every day, any time of day. Make mental health a part of your daily routine, no matter what’s on your calendar.

Thanks for reading. I appreciate any comments and shares!

Photo of the Girl by Richard Jaimes on Unsplash