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What is Reiki?

Reiki is an energy healing technique that treats a person holistically. Reiki heals on the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels to create wellness, wholeness, and harmony.

The Japanese word Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) is a combination of two separate words. “Rei” means “universal life energy,” “spiritual/God-consciousness,” or “spiritual energy.” “Ki” means “life force energy,” “vital radiant energy,” or “prana.” Together the meaning is roughly translated as “Universal Life Force Energy.” Life force energy resides in everything around you, with yourself included.

In practice, Reiki is a safe, natural, holistic way of treating yourself and others. Reiki brings about physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being.

Reiki energy is transferred through the Reiki practitioner typically through the palms of the hands, to whatever/whomever the practitioner is directing the energy toward.  The practitioner acts as a conduit for the energy to flow through.

Through the use of Reiki, many physical conditions can be improved, such as:

  • headaches
  • stress
  • menstrual issues
  • insomnia
  • anxiety
  • asthma
  • pain
  • stomach upset
  • and MANY more!

Reiki is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. It can be used in conjunction with other therapies to treat a multitude of conditions. Reiki is currently used in many hospitals and other medical facilities.

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Origin of Reiki

Reiki originated in Japan by a Japanese Buddhist priest, Mikao Usui (1865-1 926). He discovered a way to use spiritual energy to heal the mind, body, emotions, and spirit. He called this Usui Reiki Ryoho, or the Usui Spiritual Energy Healing Method.

Dr. Usui began his Buddhist studies at the young age of four. He had a spiritual awakening in 1922 while attending a 21-day training offered at the Tendai Buddhist Temple. Upon his spiritual awakening, he discovered that he had the ability to heal.

In April of 1922, Dr. Usui opened a clinic in Tokyo where he began teaching and practicing Reiki. In his teachings, he emphasized spiritual development as well as energy cleansing and healing of physical conditions. Dr. Usui taught 5 principles for living a good life that he adopted from Emperor Mutsuhito.


Reiki Principles

Dr. Usui taught 5 principles for living a good life that he adopted from the writings of his friend Emperor Meiji. Dr. Usui had his students chant these principles daily, morning and night, while in Gassho (see below).


The following principles are adapted from the original works, but the meaning is the same. These are the principles that I received in my Level One training.

  1. Just for today, I will not anger.
  2. Just for today, I will not worry.
  3. Just for today, I will be thankful for all my many blessings.
  4. Just for today, I will work with honesty and integrity.
  5. Just for today, I will be kind to all living things.

I recite these at least once per day and often more than once.

What is Gassho?

The word Gassho means literally “to place the two palms together”. It is one of the most basic Mudras or symbolic hand gestures. In the west, it is commonly referred to as “prayer position”. It is a gesture of respect and humility to bring one into a state of peace, and calmness and to connect with the Divine Source.

To come into Gassho, bring the palms together at the center of the chest and press the thumbs into the heart center. Dr. Usui taught his students to use Gassho meditation to increase the Reiki energy.


What training do you need to perform Reiki?

There are many types of Reiki training available now in the western world. The training I received is in the Usui Shiki Ryoho lineage, which is the most common Reiki practiced in the western world.

The Usui Shiki Ryoho is a simple holistic healing method. Anyone can learn to use Reiki in a day or two of training. No previous experience or knowledge is required. You need to be willing to learn and open to allowing the spiritual energy to flow through you and make time to attend your first workshop.

Shoden, First Degree (Reiki 1), is typically carried out in a one or two-day course. In this course you will receive an attunement, or four separate attunements, to open up your inner healing channel and allow the Reiki healing energy to flow through you. The emphasis at this level is to learn how to do a self-treatment. You can also perform Reiki on family, friends, plants, and pets. After a Reiki 1 training, students will know how to perform a healing session. You can practice professionally at this level, but I would recommend having at least your Reiki 2. Following your Reiki I class, you are encouraged to practice on yourself daily for at least 3 weeks in the 21-day cleanse period.

Okuden, Second Degree (Reiki 2), is for people who want to be able to expand their use of Reiki. You will learn and be attuned to three Reiki symbols. The symbols increase and focus the Reiki energy. Reiki 2 is usually a one or two-day course and includes one or two attunements. This level is generally considered the level you need in order to begin practicing as a Reiki practitioner professionally. After the Reiki 2 class, students are expected to practice daily for the 21-day cleanse period, using the Reiki symbols.

Shinpiden, Master Level or Third Degree (Reiki Master, Reiki 3)  This is the level of Reiki Master (Teacher) for those committing to a lifelong journey with Reiki to self-mastery. The training for this level will vary considerably from place to place. It may be completed in a one, two, or three-day workshop or could be a course lasting a week or more. Sometimes it is taught as an apprenticeship with a student working alongside a Reiki Master for a period of time. At this level, one or two attunements are included. You will be taught the Usui Master Symbol. You will learn how to perform attunements so that you can pass on the teachings to others. When a person decides to become a Reiki Master it really is a commitment to follow a spiritual path and to teach others.

The ability to channel Reiki energy is transferred from a Reiki Master to a student through a lineage system. A ceremony takes place in which the Reiki Master passes down the ability to channel the Reiki by means of a spiritual empowerment known as an “attunement”. Reiki is not learned in the ways in which we are familiar in the West. It is more of an experienced-based type of learning. In order to be able to use Reiki, you must be able to channel the energy through yourself. You cannot acquire the ability to channel Reiki by reading a book or watching a video, you must be attuned by a Reiki Master.


What to Expect in a Reiki Treatment Session

Typically the session will take place in a quiet, calm, comfortable environment. The session will most likely take place on a massage table or a similar treatment table. The practitioner may offer a pillow and blanket as needed. The table may or may not be heated. A bolster or pillow may be used under the knees for comfort. The recipient remains fully clothed with the exception of the shoes. It is advised to take off glasses and bulky jewelry/watches.

The session will typically be 45-60 minutes in length. The practitioner will move around the table, laying their hands on your body. At times the hands may hover over the body instead of touching the body. In my experiences with Reiki, there was no talking during the healing session. This will vary from practitioner to practitioner.

During the session, you may feel warmth, tingling, coolness, twitching, vibrations, heat, or nothing at all. You may feel relaxed, sleepy, or energized after the session. You may notice different sensations than these mentioned or feel differently after the session. The results will differ from person to person. People vary in how sensitive they are to the energies around them.

How Does Reiki Work?

We are alive because life force energy is flowing through us. This life force energy flows through the physical body through the chakras, meridians, and nadis.  Events and life experiences cause us to develop or accept some negative thought patterns or limiting beliefs. Our lifestyles can negatively impact our health and limit the flow of energy in our bodies. These hindrances can cause the flow of energy to be diminished to certain parts of the body or the mind, thereby causing damage/reduced function.

By receiving Reiki energy in a treatment session, the life force energy will move more freely throughout the body. The Reiki energy will clear pathways to improve the flow of energy and assist our minds and bodies to function more optimally at a higher vibrational level. A Reiki practitioner has become attuned to the Reiki energy.

Other healers and bodyworkers may feel the forces of life force energy (“Ki” or “Chi”) at work, but this is different than Reiki. A Reiki practitioner will not feel depleted after a session as they are just a conduit of this eternal source. The energy is not coming from the practitioner themself but from the Universal Life Force energy.

The Reiki energy will go where it is needed. This is not for the practitioner or the recipient to decide. We need to keep our ego out of the healing session. The practitioner is the empty vessel that the Reiki energy flows through.

The results that are obtained may not be what is expected. Even if a recipient reports they do not “feel” anything, know that the Reiki is working. The only way that it may “not work” is if the recipient is not open to receiving Reiki. The client has free will to accept or reject the Reiki. Therefore a person will not benefit from a Reiki session if they do not want it or are not open to it.




Reiki is a healing method that is available to us all if we are open to it. If you are interested in exploring this healing method, seek out a Reiki practitioner in your area, and book a session! Perhaps you are interested in receiving your Level 1 certification to perform self-healing treatments and treatments for loved ones.

I am on my own Reiki journey. Several things in my life were leading me toward Reiki.  At the beginning of March 2020, I received my Level 1 certification. I have been practicing self-treatments daily and have been providing treatments for my loved ones as well! I look forward to continuing my journey and definitely plan to pursue the Level 2 certification in the near future.

Gifts for Reiki lovers:

If you live in the southwestern/western part of Colorado, I suggest you contact my teacher, Reiki Master, and massage therapist, Sharon Gaza at to book a Reiki (or massage!) session or to ask about upcoming Reiki certification classes if interested.

Here are a few other resources to learn more about Reiki.