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Orange essential oil is a must-have for your essential oil collection! The tantalizing scent is citrusy, fresh and sweet. This oil can be diffused, applied topically, and taken internally. This oil has so many wonderful benefits for the body and mind. Orange essential oil is one of the most popular oils due to its versatility, affordability, and a pleasant aroma.


Orange Essential Oil Health Benefits

  1. Anti-inflammatory/Pain reliever – Orange oil provides relief from internal and external inflammation. This oil can help reduce inflammation in the body that increases swelling in tissues, thereby reducing muscle, joint, and bone pain.
  2. Lower Blood Pressure – Studies have shown that there are blood pressure-reducing properties in orange essential oil.
  3. Anti-depressant/Mood booster – Orange oil is a natural sedative known to help alleviate anxiety and depression. This oil is uplifting and tranquilizing. It has been used as a mild tranquilizer and natural anti-depressant for centuries.
  4. Improve digestive symptoms – Orange oil has carminative properties, which means it can help remove excess gas from the intestines. Orange oil helps ease constipation. Because of the anti-inflammatory properties, orange oil can ease the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease.
  5. Improve cognitive function – A small study showed that aromatherapy with orange essential oil (and other oils) improved cognitive function in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease.
  6. Boost immunity – Limonene present in orange essential oil is a powerful defender against oxidative stress that can negatively impact the immune system.
  7. Anticancer Properties – Some studies have shown that orange oil has anti-cancer properties. The phytochemical d-limonene has been particularly well studied for decades because of its anti-cancer benefits.
  8. Improve sleep – This oil helps with insomnia. It has a calming effect on the human nervous system.
  9. Skin treatment – Orange oil helps protect and heal the skin. It fights signs of aging like wrinkles and age spots. This oil promotes the production of collagen. It is an effective treatment for acne and dermatitis.
  10. Anti-bacterial – Studies have shown that orange oil is effective in fighting infectious diseases.

The Truth About Cancer website highlights many different studies on the benefits of orange essential oil. Organic Facts website also cites several studies related to the benefits of orange essential oil.

(Pricing Page) New customer: Save $80 over your first 4 boxes!

How do I use Orange Essential Oil?

Aromatic – Orange Essential Oil can be used aromatically, by diffusing the oil using an Ultrasonic Diffuser, such as the Desert Mist Diffuser or the Sweet Aroma Diffuser by Young Living. The oil can be inhaled directly as well. Rub a drop between your palms, cup hands over the nose and inhale deeply for several breaths. Orange oil blends well with Cinnamon Bark, Frankincense, Geranium, Juniper, Lavender, Nutmeg and many other oils. Find several diffuser blend recipes with Orange essential oil at the Young Living website, Orange oil page.

Sweet Aroma Diffuser

Desert Mist Diffuser


Topical – Apply topically to the area of concern. It is recommended that the oil is diluted with an organic carrier oil such as Almond, Jojoba, Coconut, Olive, or Young Living V-6 oil before application. A dilution of 1 drop essential oil to 1 drop carrier oil is recommended.

Internal –  Only the highest quality, therapeutic grade essential oils can be ingested. Young Living Orange Vitality Essential Oil is safe for human consumption. Suggested uses from the Young Living website:

  • Support your wellness and immune system by adding 1–2 drops to a vegetarian gel capsule and taking it as a dietary supplement every day.*
  • Use Orange Vitality in sweet or savory dishes for added flavor and zest.
  • Add 2–3 drops to a water bottle or glass of water for citrus flavor and to help cleanse the digestive system.*
  • Add Orange Vitality to a smoothie or green drink to enjoy its citrus flavor and antioxidant properties.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

My Favorite Ways to Use Orange Oil

Aromatic – I frequently diffuse orange oil with other oils. I enjoy the uplifting and calming benefits of this oil. Here are a few blend recipes I have used recently and enjoyed:

Positive Vibes – 2 drops Eucalyptus, 2 drops Bergamot, 2 drops Orange

Mood Lifter – 2 drops Clove, 3 drops Orange, 2 drops Lemon

Spicy and Warm – 2 drops Orange, 2 drops Clove, 2 drops Nutmeg, 2 drops Cinnamon Bark

Topical – I add a drop to my facial moisturizer in the palm of my hand before applying to my face to receive the skin benefits. I also add a drop to my hand and body lotion before applying to my skin. I have made my own body wash using Orange Essential Oil, go to the recipe here Honey Orange Lemon Body Wash.

Internal – By adding a drop of Young Living Orange Vitality to my water, juice or tea, it gives a flavor and aroma boost to my drink.

Next, I want to try adding Orange Vitality Oil to my cooking. I want to try adding it to baked goods and savory dishes to add a citrusy flavor!

Orange Oil Diffuser Blends 

Here are a few new diffuser blends that were found on the Young Living website Orange Essential Oil page, that I have yet to try!

Vitamin Sea
Tokyo, Japan
Orange Creamsicle
3 P.M. Pick-Me-Up
Chocolate Orange


You can purchase a 5 ml bottle of Young Living Orange Vitality Oil for $7.89 at retail price, or just $6.00 at a wholesale price if you become a member. A 15 ml bottle of Orange Essential Oil is just $11.50 as a member (wholesale price) or $15.13 at retail price. This is a very affordable oil, and so versatile! Gift yourself or a friend a bottle today!

Here is a diffuser on Amazon that has a high rating with over 3K reviews. This is less expensive than the Young Living diffusers and has a nice variety of features.


What is your favorite way to use Orange Essential Oil? Or if you haven’t tried it yet, how would you like to try it?

Oranges Photo by Pauline Bernfeld on Unsplash