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Lemon essential oil is a versatile oil that is a must-have in your medicine cabinet or essential oils rack. It is one of the most popular citrus essential oils because of its powerful antioxidant properties and the wide range of uses.

This oil has been used for at least 1,000 years in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a variety of conditions.

Health Benefits

The health benefits of lemon essential oil have been scientifically proven in multiple studies. Read here about various studies using lemon essential oils.

Lemon oil contains powerful antioxidants, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It boosts the immune system, fights bacteria and fungi, and reduces inflammation. Well known for the ability to cleanse toxins from the body and for stimulating lymphatic drainage. Lemon essential oil stimulates white blood cells and blood circulation to increase the body’s ability to fight illness and disease.


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This oil is calming in nature, so it is helpful in reducing mental fatigue, nervous tension, and anxiety. Inhaling the oil can improve concentration and alertness.

Skincare is another way this versatile oil is beneficial. It is astringent and detoxifying and can rejuvenate dull skin and remove dead skin cells. Lemon is recommended for reducing excessive oil on the skin.  Often used in homemade soaps, body and face washes due to its antiseptic quality.

The antimicrobial compounds in lemon oil make it useful to treat viral infections of the skin, such as cold sores and warts. It is effective with insect bites, cuts, and blisters.

One study revealed that inhaling lemon essential oil reduced nausea and vomiting in pregnant women.



Lemon oil is touted as a powerful cleanser. Strong enough to clean surfaces in the bathroom and kitchen. I also use lemon oil to clean my fruits and vegetables.

I have used lemon oil to clean tree sap from my hands. It can be used to remove grease and other sticky substances such as chewing gum or labels on containers.

I have read that it can be used as a silver jewelry polish. I haven’t tried this yet!

Fruit and Vegetable Cleansing Procedure

I fill a bowl with enough water to cover the produce I am cleaning and add 1-2 drops of Young Living Lemon Essential Oil. I stir gently and let the food sit for approximately  8-10 minutes, pour out the water, and its good to go!

Can you find my Lemon essential oil in my awesome essential oils rack?

How do I use Lemon Essential Oil?

I use Young Living essential oils. Not all oils are created equally! I  am a fan of these oils because of their high-quality standards for ingredients and the production of their oils. Read more about Young Living’s Seed to Seal standards here. Comment below if you want to learn about becoming a member of Young Living. I can help you get started!

Aromatically: This oil can be diffused using an ultrasonic diffuser like this one from Young Living. This diffuser combines a humidifier, air purifier, atomizer, and aromatherapy diffuser into one product that safely releases essential oils into the air.

Topically: Lemon oil can be applied to Vita Flex points on the feet, added to bathwater mixed with Epsom salts, or applied topically on location. With any essential oil, there is a risk of contact sensitivity. Perform a skin patch test and dilute with a carrier oil as necessary (carrier oils such as Jojoba Oil or Sweet Almond Oil). Make your own bath salts with my DIY 4 Ingredient Bath Salts and use Lemon Essential oil as one of your added oils.

This excerpt was taken from Young Living’s website regarding a skin patch test: Young Living recommends using a patch test procedure prior to first use. To perform a patch test, apply 1–2 drops of essential oil to a patch of skin such as the forearm. Observe that area of skin over the course of 1–2 hours for any noticeable reaction; however, reactions occur usually within 5–10 minutes. If you experience a hot or burning sensation or develop a rash, add V-6 or another carrier oil to the affected area as often as needed.

Internally: Young Living has included a line of essential oils called the Vitality Oils which are for dietary purposes. Read more about it:   At our house, we frequently add a drop of Lemon Essential Oil to our drinking water in a glass water bottle only, as the oils can break down plastic.

Here is a great post with more detail on how to use Young Living Essential Oils aromatically, topically, and internally.

Citrus oils can cause photosensitivity. They should not be used on areas of the skin that will be exposed to the sun. If you have used citrus oils on the skin, it is recommended that you wait at least 12 hours before sun exposure.

Allergy Diffuser Blend

Here is a favorite blend we use during allergy season:

4 drops Lavender essential oil

3 drops Lemon essential oil

1 drop Peppermint essential oil

Add water and essential oils to your diffuser and diffuse!

Lemon Air Freshener Spray

6 drops Lemon essential oil

6 drops Purification essential oil

8 oz. Glass spray bottle

Pinch of Epsom salt

Combine and oils, Epsom salt and water in a glass spray bottle. Shake to combine. Use in the bathroom, kitchen, or other rooms in your home as an air freshener.

Lemon Drinking Water

Enliven your drinking water with this simple tip! Add 1-2 drops of Lemon Vitality essential oil to your glass water bottle for drinking. You may find you drink more water with this added scent/taste!

Lemon essential oil is a staple in my home! What are your favorites uses, or what is one way you want to try it? Comment below!