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We all have our issues. One of mine is ANXIETY! I have found some anxiety relief through the use of pranayama, mindfulness, and the use of essential oils. If you struggle with anxiety, perhaps these natural remedies for anxiety can help you too!

As you can imagine, the fact that I suffer from anxiety has not been something I have really wanted to share with many people! But, in the past year, I have done some work on accepting myself and all the parts of me that I have disliked.

In my soul searching and digging deep, I am learning to accept all my qualities, quirks, and feelings for what they are… a part of ME. And, learning to practice self-compassion. I want to share some of the things that help me. I hope through my sharing, I can help someone else.

I am a shy, introvert, and have disliked these parts of myself for as long as I can remember. Oh, and there’s the anxiety too! In attempts to ‘overcome’ these aspects of myself, I have tried some pretty unhealthy things and haven’t been true to myself.

This year I have read a few awesome books that have resonated with me SOOO much and have really helped me shift the way I see myself and ACCEPT myself. I believe I have made great improvements.

Here is a link to two books that were recommended to me, that I highly recommend, if this resonates with you: Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life With the Heart of a Buddha by Tara Brach, Ph.D.  and Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain.

So, back to the anxiety… As a yoga instructor, I know about the benefits of pranayama (breathing practices.) I know and teach others how using different breathing techniques can affect the mind, emotions, and body. But in the throes of an anxiety attack, I have not always been able to put this knowledge into practice. 

Strides I have made, yes. But of course, I still have bouts of anxiety. Some, very intense. One episode I remember was while at the airport, riding on a shuttle. We were not sure which lot we had parked our car in.

In my attempt to determine which lot our car was located in, I had an encounter with an airport employee that was unhelpful and downright unkind in my mind. Unfortunately, this helped trigger the episode. Along with the feelings of fear, anger at self, apprehension, and panic related to finding our car! 

Imagine what life would look like if you had enough… Enough Love. Enough Wealth. Enough Health. The truth is – you ARE enough, and your “dream life” is closer than you might think… Marisa Peer is an award-winning therapist, best-selling author and creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy. Join Marisa Peer (therapist and consultant to Olympians, rock stars and A-list celebrities) on this FREE on-demand Masterclass and start your journey to living your BEST life today…

During this particular episode with anxiety, I was able to recall and put into practice something that was helpful. YAY!! I practiced the Recaka pranayama. A practice that has a deep relaxing quality. By focusing on the out-breath, we can release physical and emotional tension and adjust our thoughts/attitudes.

The Recaka pranayama is a very simple and effective breath. Here is a simple description of how to do it.

  1. Take a free, natural inhale breath in through the nose.
  2. Exhale out through the nose with a long, slow extended exhale breath. The exhale portion of the breath will be significantly longer than the inhale portion of the breath.
  3. Feel the inhale respond to the depth of your exhale breath.
  4. Continue to practice, focusing on lengthening the exhale breath. You will feel the work in the lower lungs, in the area of the navel. Continue as long as you desire.

I knew that by consciously focusing on lengthening my exhale breath, I could calm my mind. It helped. I practiced the breath for at least 5-7 minutes, perhaps longer. At times, I stopped focusing on my breath and my mind would begin to race again so I came back to my breath. I was able to calm myself in a relatively short amount of time. I also brought my attention to my body – feeling my feet on the floor, my bottom on the seat, and my back against the back of the seat, practicing staying within the present moment.

When we did get to our car (Whew!), I felt a rush of emotion. Feeling the need to continue to calm myself, I found my Lavender essential oil in my suitcase and put a drop in my hand, rubbed my palms together, and cupping my hands over my nose, took several deep inhalations of the oil to add to my feeling of calm. Young Living Lavender essential oil can assist in balancing emotions and help reduce anxiety. I use this calming oil often for anxiety and to aid with sleep.

The use of pranayama, mindfulness, and essential oils has benefited me and may benefit you as well in dealing with anxiety. However, I am not a medical doctor and know that this may not work for everyone who experiences anxiety. Please consult with a medical professional as needed.

Please share your experiences, thoughts, comments, and questions below. I would love to hear from you!

If you are interested in pursuing professional help for your anxiety or any other mental health concern, consider Talkspace.