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Tadasana, also known as Mountain pose, is a foundational pose in Hatha yoga. It may appear as if you are just standing there, but there is so much more going on! There is an activation of the entire body, bringing awareness to the foundation in the feet and the alignment in the body. Tadasana increases body awareness and improves posture. It is perfect for transitions between poses, coming back to the breath and grounding oneself.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Begin standing with the feet parallel to each other approximately hip width distance apart. Press weight into the feet and spread the toes.
  2. Align the ears, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles. Lift up through the crown of the head.
  3. Drop the tailbone toward the earth slightly, lengthening the spine.
  4. Activate the muscles in the legs and buttocks. Engage the muscles in the torso by drawing the navel in.
  5. Draw the shoulder blades down the back and wide.
  6. With the arms along side the body, activate the arm muscles and stretch through the fingers gently.
  7. Breathe smoothly and steadily. Soften the gaze.


Brings a calm focus

Improves posture

Strengthens thighs, knees and ankles

Firms abdomen and buttocks

Reduces affects of flat feet

Relieves sciatica


I often tell my students that this is my favorite pose. It is easy to take this pose with us, off our mats, into our daily lives. We can practice Tadasana while waiting in line at the grocery store, the bank, coffee shop, etc. Bring your focus back to your body and breath, by taking a little centering break in the middle of your day in Tadasana.