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“Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”  ~Mark Twain

Being kind is a choice. We can choose to be kind every day. Even if you are not a “people person” you can still do kind things, such as #8. To make a difference, you just have to care.

“To make a difference in someone’s life you don’t have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful, or perfect. You just have to care.” ~Mandy Hale

Making the effort to be kind will help you, the giver, as much as the recipient. It just feels good to do something that is nice for someone else. There are studies that back the idea that practicing kindness is beneficial to our health. Read Maile Proctor’s article “6 Science-Backed Ways Being Kind Is Good For Your Health.”

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Here is a list of 20 relatively easy ways that you can practice kindness today.

  1. Smile. Make eye contact and smile at people.
  2. Listen. Give your undivided attention and listen with your whole being to the person you are interacting with, whether they are 2 years old or 100 years old. Don’t focus on formulating your reply when someone is speaking to you.
  3. Offer a hug.
  4. Give a stranger a genuine compliment.
  5. Share a heartfelt compliment with a loved one.
  6. Be generous with your monetary tips.
  7. Pause before you speak, be conscious of your words.
  8. Pick up litter. Beautify our world.
  9. Donate to a disaster fund. Donate to Wildfire Relief Fund for victims of wildfires in California.
  10. Be kind to yourself. Be aware of your inner dialogue. Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations. E.g. I love and accept who I am. I trust my intuition. I am free to express what I am feeling.
  11. Leave coins. Leave a few quarters at the car wash or laundromat. Put coins in an expired parking meter.
  12. Stop complaining. Instead of focusing on the negative, focus on what’s going well and what is beautiful.
  13. Use less plastic. Be kind to Mother Earth. Opt for paper bags at the grocery store, or better yet, utilize reusable bags.
  14. Give a loved one a shoulder or foot massage.
  15. Write a handwritten thank you note to let someone know how much you appreciate them for a service or their help.
  16. Conserve water. This is a kindness to our planet. E.g. Turn off the water when brushing your teeth. Decrease shower time.
  17. Love animals?  Volunteer at an Animal Shelter. Take your dog for a walk.
  18. Donate clothes to a charity organization in your town/city.
  19. Give a wave of thanks to a driver that lets you into traffic.
  20. Tweet, share, make a comment, or like someone’s article that you have read and enjoy.

“Be kinder to yourself. And then let your kindness flood the world.” Pema Chodron


“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” ~Mother Teresa

Read stories of kindness. Share an encouraging card with someone. Gift yourself or a friend with one of these books or sets of notecards:


“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions and the roots spring up and make new trees.” ~Amelia Earhart

We can all do our part to make our world a gentler, kinder, happier place to be. What acts of kindness can you add to the list? Comment below, thanks!


Coffee cup Photo by Nathan Lemon on Unsplash

Heart hands photo by on Pexels