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Do you want stronger legs? We all need strong legs! Whether we want to be able to ski or snowboard down the slopes, run and play with our kids, or just be able to go up a flight of stairs without getting winded or fatigued. We ALL benefit from having strong muscles in our lower body.

It’s true that if you don’t use it, you lose it. So we need to work our legs to keep them strong. Also, having more muscle mass will increase metabolism.

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I have put together 6 yoga poses that are sure to strengthen your legs and increase flexibility. Develop a consistent yoga practice and your body will be stronger, leaner, and more flexible. Activities of daily living and recreational activities will be easier with a stronger lower body, and you will have more stamina and energy.

You don’t have to wait until January 1st to begin. Start today! Many people make the mistake of thinking that if they are unable to do at least 30 minutes or more it’s not worth it! I frequently do a 15-20 minute practice. Some days I may only do a few poses! Or I may only do as much yoga as I do during my work “yoga breaks.”

For my “yoga breaks” I use the Mindbell app on my phone that sounds every hour from the hours of 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. When the bell sounds, I get up from my office chair for a few minutes of conscious breathing, and yoga poses/stretches. I’ve also tried incorporating taking a drink of water at that time too. My body sure appreciates the breath/movement break! No, I don’t work at my desk for 12 hours a day, lol! But the time that I do work at my desk varies, so that’s why I set my Mindbell app for the 12-hour span!

Perhaps you attend yoga classes at a studio or gym. Increase the consistency of your practice, and increase results, by starting a home yoga practice. Read my post Start a Home Yoga Practice for some tips and resources to get started. By having a consistent yoga practice, you will feel calmer, more grounded and centered, increase mindfulness, and increase the strength and flexibility of the body.

6 Poses to Build Strength

1. Utkatasana, Chair Pose

Utkatasana, aka Chair Pose or Fierce Pose

Chair Pose, also known as Fierce Pose is an excellent pose to tone the entire body, and especially the thighs. To do this pose, follow these steps:

  • Start with the feet hip-width distance apart. Inhale and reach the arms overhead alongside the ears. Relax the shoulders down away from the ears. Exhale and sit back as if sitting into a chair.
  • As you look down you should be able to see the toes. The knees do not go forward of the toes.
  • Pull the navel in toward the spine, firming the belly and lengthening the low back.
  • The bend in the knees can be as deep or as shallow as you prefer. At the deepest, the thighs will be parallel to the floor.
  • Breathe in and out through the nose with smooth, even breaths. Stay for 5-10 breaths. To come out of the pose, inhale and straighten the legs reaching for the sky. Exhale and bring the hands to heart center and take a breath.
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2. High Lunge

High lunge strengthens the lower body, opens the hips and chest, stretches the groin and legs, and lengthens the spine. Here’s how to do this pose:

  • Start in table position, step the right foot forward between the hands. Tuck the left toes under. Lift the chest with the hands-on the right thigh.
  • Lift the left knee coming into a high lunge. Keep the hips square to the front of the mat. Press through the left heel. Keep the right knee aligned over the right heel.
  • Reach the arms overhead, alongside the ears, relax the shoulders down away from the ears. Energy through the arms and fingers.
  • Take 5-10 breaths in and out through the nose.
  • To come out of the pose, exhale and lower the hands to the mat and lower the back knee, step the right foot back to table position. Repeat on the left side.

3. Utkata Konasana, Goddess Pose


Goddess Pose or Victory Squat is a great pose to open the hips and chest while strengthening and toning the lower body. Follow these steps to perform this pose:

      • Begin with the legs approximately 3 feet apart and the toes turned out.
      • Take an inhale breath and reach the arms overhead. On the exhale breath, bring the arms into cactus position as you bend and open the knees over the toes.
      • Keep the back straight, tailbone heavy toward the floor.
      • Make sure the knees are out over the middle toes and not falling forward of the toes. Adjust the position of the feet if needed (i.e. turn the toes more forward if needed.)
      • Take 5-10 breaths in the pose. Breathing in and out smoothly through the nose.
      • To come out of the pose, inhale and straighten the legs as you reach overhead. Exhale hands to heart center. Walk the feet in toward each other.

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4. Virabhadrasana 2, Warrior 2

Warrior 2 pose builds strength in the arms and legs, builds stamina, concentration and flexibility. Follow these steps to perform this pose:

  • Stand with the feet in a wide straddle facing the long side of the mat with the feet parallel to each other. A good estimate of the distance between the feet is approximately the length of one of your legs. You can always adjust the distance.
  • Turn the right foot out 90 degrees, toes pointing toward the short end of the mat. Drop the left heel back toward the back of the mat, so the left toes are angled forward slightly.
  • The hips should be level and open to the long side of the mat.
  • Inhale and lift the arms to a T position at shoulder height.
  • On the exhale breath bend the right knee, with the right knee directly over the right ankle. The knee should be in line with the middle toes of the foot.
  • Feel equal energy into the four corners of both feet.
  • Relax the shoulders down away from the ears with energy through the arms and fingers.
  • Keep the torso upright, do not lean forward over the right leg.
  • Turn the head to look out over the fingertips of the right hand.
  • Stay for 5-10 breaths. Breathe smoothly in and out through the nose.
  • To come out of the pose, inhale and straighten the right leg, exhale bring the hands together at heart center, and turn the feet back to parallel, toes facing the long side of the mat. Repeat on the left side.

5. Utthita Parsvakonasana, Extended Side Angle Pose

Utthita Parsvakonasana, Extended Side Angle Pose

This pose strengthens, stretches, and tones the entire body. Follow these steps to perform this pose:

  • Prepare just as you would for Warrior 2 Pose, standing with the feet in a wide straddle. Turn the right foot out 90 degrees and drop the left heel back slightly.
  • Inhale the arms to shoulder height, exhale into Warrior 2 Pose with the right knee directly over the ankle.
  • Bring the right forearm to the right thigh and bring the left arm alongside the left ear.
  • Press down into the four corners of both feet.
  • Create a long line from the back of the left foot through the left fingertips.
  • There is little to no weight on the left thigh from the arm/upper body.
  • If you can come deep enough into the pose to where the right thigh is parallel to the floor, then the right hand can come to the floor. Keep the hips and chest open to the side of the room.
  • Hold for 4-6 breaths or more if desired. Breathe smoothly.
  • To come out of the pose, firm the belly and straighten the leg and lift the torso on an inhale breath. Exhale hands to heart center, turn the feet so they are parallel, toes facing the long side of the mat. Repeat on the left side.

6. Prasarita Padottanasana, Standing Straddle Forward Bend Pose

Prasarita Padottanasana

This pose strengthens the ankles, stretches the legs and the back, and increases flexibility. Follow these steps to perform this pose:

    • Stand with feet in a wide straddle, slightly pigeon toe the feet (turn the toes inward toward each other), or have the feet parallel to each other.
    • Inhale and lift the arms to a T position at shoulder height, exhale flat back forward bend, hinging forward from the hips.
    • Bring the hands to the thighs. Stay long through the back and keep the head and neck in alignment with the spine.
    • Do not lock out the knees, keep a micro-bend in the knees.
    • As your flexibility allows, you may be able to come deeper into your forward bend. You can bring the hands to your blocks or to the floor. Keep the back long and do not round forward in the back or shoulders.
    • Stay in the pose for 5-10 breaths. Breathing smoothly in and out through the nose.
    • When you are ready to come out of the pose, either bring the hands to the thighs or extend the arms out from the shoulders and lift with a flat back on an inhale breath. Exhale, release the hands to heart center, and take a breath. Walk the feet in toward each other.


This 6 pose series will help you to build a strong lower body. Having strong, muscular legs will benefit you in all of your recreational activities and to have the stamina to keep up with the kids, pets or grandkids!

Watch my YouTube video 6 Yoga Poses for Strong Legs, that highlights these 6 poses, showing several modifications and variations on the poses, especially if you are not quite ready for the full pose.  The video is an entire 30-minute class including a warm-up, the 6 pose sequence, a few cool down poses, and a brief savasana. Subscribe to my channel! Join me, and let’s get fit with yoga!

Serious about having a home practice? You will need a yoga mat, yoga blocks,  thick yoga blanket and yoga strap at the bare minimum! Check out my post Start a Home Yoga Practice for helpful tips and resources.

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Which pose is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below!