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Warrior 1 is a foundational pose in Hatha yoga that builds strength, energy, stamina and increases focus. This pose is commonly included in hatha yoga classes. An excellent pose to prepare the body for other physical activities such as biking, running, hiking and more.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Begin standing in Tadasana at the top of the mat (short end). Inhale and lengthen, lifting up through the crown of the head and lengthening through the spine.
  2. On the exhale, step the right foot back about 3 feet. The toes of the back foot angle outward slightly.
  3. Square the hips to the front end of the mat. Imagine there are headlights on your hips bones, the lights are shining straight forward. Let the tailbone release down slightly toward the back heel, lengthening through the low back. Pull the navel in.
  4. Inhale and raise the arms overhead. Relax the shoulders down away from the ears. Rotate the palms to face each other.
  5. Exhale and bend the front leg. The knee is directly over the ankle.
  6. Press down into the ground with both feet. Feel equal energy into both legs and feet. Breathe smoothly and steadily.
  7. Stay in the pose for 5-10 breaths.
  8. To come out of the pose, inhale and straighten the leg. Exhale step forward and release the arms to the sides.
  9. Repeat on the left side.


Stretches and strengthens the hips, back, shoulders, thighs, calves and ankles.


  • shorten the stance
  • vary arm position, e.g. cactus arms, palms together at heart center
  • hold the pose for a shorter amount of time

Interesting Tidbit

The Warrior Poses (there are 3 main Warrior poses and 2 new hybrids of the originals) are named after the mythical Hindu warrior, Virabhadra. He was noted to be fierce and powerful, with a thousand arms, hair and eyes of fire. The name of the pose is a model for all practitioners to be “spiritual warriors” bravely doing battle with the ultimate enemy, self ignorance, the primary source of our suffering. To become true warriors to fight our own battles in life with the proper weapons. Using the tools of love, compassion, forgiveness and mindfulness in our arsenal as “spiritual warriors.”