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We all want and need balance in our lives. We need a balance between work and play, between time alone and time spent engaged with others. A balance between eating healthy and having an occasional dietary splurge. I could go on and on about balance.

Sometimes our lives can feel so chaotic and hectic, out of control. This is a direct result of our lives being out of balance. Experiencing the calm and relaxation during and after a yoga practice can help to bring needed focus and balance into our daily lives, ‘off the mat.’

Standing balance poses can instill a calmness within even though they require intense focus and a high level of alertness. When we balance on one leg we are constantly revamping our balance with minor adjustments. There is a constant effort to maintain a center, and when we are able to do this, our muscles and bones come into balance, our nerve impulses, also our thoughts and emotions. We feel calm and centered.

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Standing balance poses offer many benefits:

  • help improve focus and concentration
  • strengthens legs and core
  • improves coordination and develops stability
  • teach us humility, patience, and persistence
  • help us become grounded and centered
  • helpful for relieving stress and reducing fatigue

Standing on one foot we immediately let go of any excess chatter in the mind to focus on the task of balancing. A reduction of the thoughts racing through our heads will naturally reduce stress.

In a yoga class when we ‘fall out’ of a balance pose we may feel upset or embarrassed. This is the ego getting in the way. There is no reason to feel embarrassed or criticize yourself harshly. Your balance in your body will improve with practice. There certainly will be some days that your balance will be better than other days due to an unlimited number of factors (e.g. barometric pressure, a slight cold, muscle tightness, fatigue, etc.). You will probably notice that it is easier for you to balance on one leg than the other. These are common to most people.


Popular Standing Balance Poses

  • Vrksasana, Tree Pose
  • Natarajasana, Dancer Pose
  • Virabhadrasana III, Warrior 3 Pose
  • Ardha Chandrasana, Half Moon Pose
  • Extended Leg Balance
  • Shiva Twist

When life seems to be spinning out of control, recognize that things are getting out of balance. Take a moment and take a few deep breaths, and prioritize your day. Remember that taking care of YOU should be at the top of the list.

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I encourage you to try adding yoga to your routine. Even if it’s just 10-15 minutes in a session, this will help to bring balance back into your life. My post Start a Home Yoga Practice has some great ideas for getting started. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel. Watch and practice with me in this 11-minute video of three balance poses.

What is your favorite standing balance pose? Or which one would you like to learn?