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The holidays can be a very stressful time for many of us. We get caught up in the shopping, baking, cooking, decorating, party planning, party attending, and on and on! I can find myself struggling to find joy amongst the stress that the holidays bring.

This season I have made an extra effort to focus on gratitude. Especially finding those small moments that bring joy.

Focusing less on expectations and more on celebrating the small joys, such as a meaningful conversation with my 19-year-old daughter, a high five with my 25-year-old celebrating his success, a video chat with my 23-year-old son that is overseas, the beauty of a new-fallen snow, or blue sky, a delicious meal, a hug.

It sounds cliche, but “There is always something to be thankful for” really is true, even on the most stressful, low energy days.

In November, I actually won a gratitude journal through a contest on Instagram! I graciously received the message, and I have taken heed! I am reaping the benefits of my new journal already.

The journal includes inspiring quotes and challenges along the way. There is also a section in the book where you can write intentional goals for 14 different areas. I haven’t even used this part of the journal yet. But, I am finding that as I take time each day to focus on things that I am grateful for, I have become more aware and in tune to things that I am grateful for and perhaps didn’t give much attention to before.

The act of taking the time and energy to reflect and write in the journal is powerful. I encourage you to try this practice if you haven’t tried it yet. Here is a link to the journal that I am currently using: 


If you are struggling to find joy in the holidays or in your everyday life, I encourage you to try a gratitude practice. Find more ways to practice gratitude in Ruth’s Mental Health blog, Colourful Hope. She shares an informative and very beneficial post 5 Easy Ways to Practice Gratitude.

I had heard about using a gratitude journal for years and wanted to try it, but never started a dedicated practice. Having the journal in hand makes it more real for me. I see the journal by my bedside and am reminded to take a few minutes before turning in to reflect and write. It is becoming a part of my life and I see how it is positively affecting my life.

So far the holidays have been less stressful for me as I have put more energy into being grateful and celebrating the small joys of each day.

Do you have a dedicated gratitude practice? If not, what would help you get one started? A new beautiful journal? 

Thanks for visiting and I hope all your days are filled with joyful moments!


Yoga practices also increase my joy tenfold! Check out the online platform, YogaDownload, below for some great online classes!Â