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Vajrasana is a traditional seated asana (pose). It is a desirable pose to come into for a seated meditation practice or for pranayama (breathing practices). You may have heard the English translations as Thunderbolt, Diamond or Kneeling Pose.

It is typically recommended that yoga is practiced on an empty stomach. Vajrasana is one exception. This pose can be practiced right after having a meal. This pose is excellent for digestion. By sitting in this pose the blood flow is reduced to the legs and blood flow is increased to the digestive organs and this increases the efficiency of the digestive system.

“Vajra” is the name of a major Nadi (pranic channel) which is directly connected with the genito-urinary systems. Sitting in Vajrasana stimulates the Vajra Nadi which facilitates digestion.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Come into table position on hands and knees
  2. Untuck the toes and place the tops of the feet on the mat
  3. Bring the thighs and feet together
  4. Sit back onto the heels, lifting the torso, to sit with a long, erect spine
  5. Relax the shoulders, let the hand rest comfortably. As a beginner, stay in the pose 1-2 minutes.

This pose should not be practiced if you have experienced a recent knee, ankle or leg injury, or have joint pain or arthritis.

If the pose is uncomfortable in the knees or ankles, try the following modifications with props.


Place a rolled up thick blanket underneath the ankles.

Place a blanket under the knees for extra cushion.

Roll up a blanket and place it between the calves and the buttocks (behind the knees).




Use a yoga block or two between the buttocks and the heels/calves.











A variation on the Pose

The pose can be practiced by stacking the feet. From table position, place the top of one foot onto the sole of the other foot. Sit back onto the heels. Make sure to practice on both sides.






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Watch the video which demonstrates exercises to warm the ankles, feet, and calves to prepare the body for Vajrasana. Modifications and the above variation with stacking the feet are demonstrated in the video. The video is 11 minutes in length.

This is an excellent pose to come into for a daily meditation or pranayama (breathing) practice. Start with a minute or two and build your time in the pose.


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  • eases digestive disorders
  • increases flexibility in the knees, ankles, and feet
  • improves posture
  • tones the pelvic muscles
  • calms and stabilizes the mind
  • strengthens the back
  • helps with sciatica

Would you love to have a consistent home yoga practice? Check out my blog post on Start a Home Yoga Practice. A home yoga practice will save you time and money (and sanity). With a home practice, you are in charge of the length, intensity, type of practice, location, etc.!! You can practice in your PJs, with your pet or child at your side!

Namaste  Â