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Enjoy a sharp, intense, minty scent? Then you will love Peppermint essential oil!

Peppermint essential oil is a staple at our house. The crisp scent is energizing. I frequently use this oil as one of the oils in my diffuser blends when I want a stimulating blend to help with focus and memory while working.

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The following list is the Top 10 Uses for Peppermint Essential Oil at our house. I prefer to use a natural remedy over harmful or potentially harmful chemicals in our home and on our bodies.

  1. Headaches – take a drop in the palm and using a finger rub the oil into the temples, across the forehead, or over the sinuses (sinus headache) and/or on the back of the neck (tension headache). Due to the intensity of the oil, this may make your eyes water, so you may want to lie down with the eyes closed for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Gas/indigestion/constipation/abdominal cramps – apply peppermint oil diluted in a carrier (sweet almond oil or jojoba oil) oil directly on the belly.
  3. Cold Sores – apply Peppermint oil neat directly on the cold sore, 1-4 times daily.
  4. Nasal congestion – place a drop in the palm and rubs the hands together, cup the hands over the nose and breathe in deeply 10-12 times. You can also put a dab of oil under each nostril. If you notice skin irritation, dilute the oil with a carrier oil (sweet almond oil or jojoba oil) before applying.
  5. Increased energy – diffuse the oil into the air using a diffuser, or place a few drops on a cotton ball in your workspace or in the air vent in your car. You can also place a drop on your palm rub the hands together and cup the hands over the nose and breathe deeply for 10-12 breaths.
  6. Increased focus/mental clarity – diffuse the oil in a diffuser by itself or in a blend (see blend recipes below)
  7. Soothe and cool skin/fever – to cool the body and reduce a fever make a peppermint cooling spray or dilute the oil with a carrier oil (sweet almond oil or jojoba oil) and rub on the abdomen or other areas of the body
  8. Spiders/mice – deter critters from entering your house! Use Peppermint Cotton Balls and Peppermint Oil Spray (recipes below)
  9. Allergies – diffuse in the diffuser alone or as a blend (see blend recipes below)
  10. Sore muscles – dilute the oil with a carrier oil (sweet almond oil or jojoba oil) and apply to the area of concern


Peppermint Cotton Balls – Apply several drops (4-5) of Peppermint Oil undiluted onto a cotton ball and place in an area where you suspect mouse/spider activity. The area needs to be dry, a wet cotton ball won’t work. Replace/refresh your cotton ball as often a twice a week, or once per week.

Peppermint Oil Spray – Spray door jambs, windows, anywhere you might suspect mice or spiders are entering your home. This can also be used as a deodorizing spray in the bathroom.

What you will need:

8 oz. spray bottle, glass is best when using essential oils

30-40 drops Peppermint Essential Oil (I prefer pure, therapeutic grade Young Living Essential Oils)

1/2 t. Epsom Salt

Place ingredients in the spray bottle, then fill with water. I use tap water, but many recipes suggest using distilled water. Shake before use. Spray areas every 1-2 weeks.

I have a bottle of this Peppermint Oil spray in my bathroom, to deodorize air as needed.

Allergy Diffuser Blend 

1  drop Peppermint Essential Oil

3 drops Lavender Essential Oil

3 Drops Lemon Essential Oil

Add oils to the water in your diffuser and diffuse! I only use Young Living Essential Oils. I have tried the cheaper oils you can buy at the grocery store and have had them go bad. Only pure, therapeutic grade oils for me. Read more about Young Living here.

Here is a diffuser I found on Amazon.

Peppermint essential oil is a favorite in my home! Give it a try and let me know what you think! Comment below and share ways that you like to use this versatile oil in your home.