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Are you thinking about attending your first yoga class, but feeling a bit nervous about it? Don’t let your fears or misconceptions keep you from adding yoga to your life! Yoga is an excellent way to improve physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. Yoga is a great addition to living a healthy lifestyle. I have addressed some common concerns and questions in this post.

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Woman seated on the floor, cross legged in casual clothing, stretching to the side

An excellent option to explore is online yoga classes. Currently, with the pandemic, it may be difficult to find an in-person class. Check out my post Start a Home Yoga Practice to help you get started at home. Trying an online yoga platform may be just what you are looking for to try out different yoga styles! Here are a few different online yoga platforms that I recommend.  Click on the banners below to find out more about their online yoga classes. They each have fantastic deals!!


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Yoga International


What should I wear?

Gotta have yoga pants!! It’s best to wear form-fitting exercise wear as opposed to a baggy t-shirt and loose, baggy shorts. You want to feel comfortable and not worry about whether or not a body part is showing or shifting out of place. Wear comfortable undergarments that will move with you as you will be coming into many different positions. Make sure your clothing is not see-through, again for your own comfort (and that of others). For women, a yoga tank top and fitted yoga pants would be appropriate and comfortable. For men, a fitted tank or shirt and fitted shorts or athletic pants that are not baggy would work well for a yoga practice. Shop at Mukha Yoga – Free Shipping over $49  Even when I practice at home, I like to wear appropriate clothing. I don’t like having a baggy shirt or sweatshirt that falls over my face for every downward-facing dog and has to be adjusted every time I change positions! Shop Manduka for quality yoga apparel!

What should I bring?

Many studios or gyms where yoga classes are held will have props available for you to use for free. Sometimes you will be charged to use a mat. So check ahead of time so you know what to expect. If you have your own mat, be sure to bring it. You never know who last used a mat at the gym and when it was last cleaned. If you do intend to practice regularly, it is wise to purchase your own yoga mat. You will want to have one at home anyway! In many, perhaps most classes you will use other props. Commonly used props are yoga blocks, a yoga strap, and a blanket. Find more choices for your yoga props here
Manduka :: Yoga Mats, Apparel & Accessories

What will we do in the class?

Classes will certainly vary depending on the type of yoga and the instructor. But in general, you can expect the class to begin with a few moments of centering, to let your focus turn inward, and perhaps set an intention for class. Then there will be a warm-up portion of the class which may include a pranayama practice.  Pranayama is various breathing techniques that have varying effects on the mind and body. After the warm-up, you will move into the main asana portion of the class. This is when you will be practicing and learning various yoga poses. Poses can include seated poses, standing poses, balance poses, twisting poses, and inverted poses. After the main asana portion, is the final pose in savasana. Savasana is performed lying on the back resting. You can expect savasana to be approximately 10 minutes for a 60-minute class.


What can I expect a class to be like?

This will vary from class to class. Yoga is a mind, body, spirit practice, so you should expect more than just doing exercise for the body. Relaxation and breathing techniques may be included. Seated or other forms of meditation may be included in a class. Some classes will be more fitness-focused, others will include more spiritual, inner focused activity in addition to the physical postures. There may be readings/quotes shared to tap into the mind/spirit side of things.

What is “savasana”?

Comfortable with multiple props in savasana

Savasana is typically the last pose performed in a yoga class. It is a time to let the body absorb the benefits of the practice as you lie in stillness, staying present, and surrendering. Read more about it in my post Why Savasana is the Hardest Pose in Yoga.

I’m not flexible, can I do yoga?

YES! Yoga is for everyone – all body types, ages, religions, races, sexual orientations, etc! By practicing yoga you will become more flexible.  It is a common misconception that yoga is only for people who are flexible. Yoga teachers will provide modifications for poses and give cues to help you perform a pose in a way that is best for your body.

Is yoga just for women?

No! In fact, yoga was traditionally only practiced by men! In the last century is when women began to practice. Yoga has been around for at least 5,000 years! Class attendance in the West is predominantly women, but more men are attending classes in recent years.  Find perfect yoga apparel for both men and women at Manduka.

More Tips

  • Avoid eating a large meal before class. Eat a light snack 1-2 hours prior to class.
  • Arrive 10-15 minutes early so you have time to set up your practice space, sign in, and prepare mentally – letting go of all the busyness of your day.
  • Yoga is generally practiced barefoot. There are specialty yoga socks that have grippers so you won’t slip,
  • Let your instructor know if you must leave early and set up near the exit door.
  • When you enter the practice space, place your mat, and props mindfully and quietly. Others may be meditating/centering.
  • Let your instructor know if you have injuries/conditions that may affect your ability to do some of the poses.
  • Silence your cell phone before class begins.
  • Do not wear any perfumes or strong scents.
  • Do not push yourself beyond your limits. Practice “ahimsa” – non-harming to oneself.

What other questions do you have about yoga classes and what to expect? I have written some posts about a few basic yoga poses and how to do them. Check them out and learn these poses before you go to your first in-person class, or to be more prepared for an online yoga class: Tadasana, Warrior 1, Downward Facing Dog.

Here is additional information about finding the right yoga mat for you. The team at Consumers Advocate tested 11 eco-friendly yoga mats to determine which ones had the traction, support, and versatility to accommodate every type of yoga enthusiasts’ needs. Best Eco-friendly Yoga Mats 2019


Let me know if I can help you with any issues you may be having as you begin your yoga practice!